
ASIC embraces fast growing demand for alternative computing platforms for cognitive applications, as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes one of the main driving forces in modern IT industry sectors. The big gap between the required big data processing bandwidth and the limited computing capacity on conventional computing platforms generates a need for alternative computing platforms to accelerate the concerned tasks.
While an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) is largely supported by membership fees, the benefits to industry membership far outweigh the relatively small annual fees. I/UCRC members benefits include:
- Leverage the research funds from other center members and NSF. The consolidated funding (via membership fees) may enable 5 to 6 times the individual investment to address pressing industry needs.
- Get research results early. Industry members will have pre-publication research results available for review.
- Influence research directions.
- Meet graduate students. A primary goal of the I/UCRC is to provide a pipeline of qualified scientists and engineers to industry.
- Interact with others in the field. The I/UCRC provides the opportunity for a company to engage on a pre-competitive basis with customers, peers and vendors.
- Jump start on technology transfer. Industry members have the ability to influence applied research to be aligned with “design rules” that are optimized for their manufacturing operations.
- Licensing rights. Members have the option to a royalty-free/non-exclusive license or in the situation where only one member desires a license an option to an exclusive/royalty bearing license.
- Opportunities to establish partnerships to pursue major federal funding.
Any parties interested in becoming ASIC members should contact a member of our leadership team.