Duke University

Robert Calderbank
Charles S. Sydnor Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Big data analytics

Krishnendu Chakrabarty
William H. Younger Professor of Engineering in the Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School of Engineering and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Resilient integrated circuits and systems; 3D integration; microfluidic biochips; neuromorphic computing; hardware security; data analytics for failure prediction, fault diagnosis, and system optimization

Yiran Chen
Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Nonvolatile memory, neuromorphic computing, mobile computing, sensing techniques

Maria Gorlatova
Nortel Networks Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Architectures, algorithms, and protocols for emerging mobile pervasive systems and the Internet of Things. Our work crosses traditional discipline boundaries and requires thinking across multiple layers of system and protocol stacks.

Benjamin C Lee
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Computer architecture and systems, energy efficiency, performance modeling, and algorithmic economics for resource management; policy for environmentally sustainable information technology infrastructure

Hai Li
Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Neuromorphic computing, machine learning and hardware acceleration, low power, emerging technologies

Xin Li
Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Deep learning, signal processing, data analytics, emerging applications.

Miroslav Pajic
Dickinson Family Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Cyber-physical systems, high-assurance real-time and embedded systems, medical devices and systems
University of Notre Dame

Danny Chen
Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Parallel and distributed computing, computational biomedicine, biomedical imaging, data mining, robotics, VLSI design, deep learning

Sharon Hu
Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Low power, realtime, embedded systems, computing with emerging tech. computational medicine, deep learning

Siddharth Joshi
Assistant Professor

Michael Niemier
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Nanomagnet logic, non-Boolean computer architectures, GPU-based acceleration of algorithms, deep learning

Yiyu Shi
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: VLSI, emerging semiconductor technologies, deep learning

Chaoli Wang
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: Big data
Syracuse University
Qinru Qiu
Professor, EECS Graduate Program Director at Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department
Research Interests: Distributed application on multicore heterogeneous clusters, SNN with STDP learning, neural network on TrueNorth

Jian Tang
Professor and IEEE Fellow
Research Interests: Machine Learning: Deep Learning on Embedded Systems, Spatiotemporal Data Analysis, Deep Reinforcement Learning,

Pramod Vashney
Distinguished Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Research Interests: Sensor networks, compressive sensing and information fusion

Senem Velipasalar
Associate Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Research Interests: Smart camera, embedded systems

Yanzhi Wang
Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department
Research Interests: Near threshold computing, stochastic computing, FPGA, embedded systems

Bei Yu
Katchmar-Wilhelm Associate Professor at the School of Information Studies
Research Interests: Natural language processing, content discovery and recommendation